The use of methyl bromide, which aroused numerous concerns related to the depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere, was thus definitively abolished by the European Community on March 18, 2010, revoked following the Commission Decision 2008/753/EC of 18 September 2008 and implemented in Italy inApril of 2009. To replace it, even if only partially, was the gas ProFume (Sulfuryl difluoride) which allows to control the main insects of stored foodstuffs to be used in empty cereal storage plants, in empty cereal processing plants, in empty food plants (mills, rice mills, pasta factories, confectionery industries, feed mills in general).
In the initial phase, an inspection of the structure subjected to fumigation must be carried out, in order to verify the suitability requirements of the structure itself. This is followed by a total evacuation of the premises to be treated as well as the adjacent ones. To then move on to fumigation procedures using Pro-fume@ gas in complete safety.
Once the exposure times necessary for an optimal result of the treatment have elapsed, the structure is opened and adequately ventilated. Only after repeated checks with monitoring tools by our technicians will the certificate of viability (gas free) be issued.
The over 40 years of experience in the fumigation sector in agri-food structures allows us to develop together with the customer a "tailor-made", effective and safe methodology for each type of problem.
This working method has allowed us to boast a very high percentage of positive feedback from our customers.